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Elevate Your Risk Management Program

The value of United Educators’ (UE’s) membership extends far beyond the insurance policy. Eligible members have unlimited access to education-specific risk management services and resources developed by UE’s research and consulting teams, at no extra cost.

student sitting outside on laptop


Prevent Incidents | Reduce Training Costs | Engage Your Community


Risk Management Resources

Our extensive suite of resources will help your institution address relevant and ever-evolving risks. Tools such as checklists, claims studies, and webinars provide guidance on a variety of topics including:

  • Contracting
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Student mental health
  • Workplace harassment

Online Course Library

Increase compliance and reduce risk on your campus with more than 70 accessible and interactive online training courses for students and employees.

Topics include:

  • Data security
  • Protecting minors
  • Threat assessment
  • Title IX
  • Workplace harassment

Risk Advice

Whether you need a sounding board for a policy or procedure or want to hear how other schools navigate a particular risk management issue, UE’s team of risk management consultants can help.

Risk Management Premium Credit Program

Eligible members can earn a credit on their renewal premium while creating a safe and respectful educational environment by implementing specific risk management mitigation activities through UE’s Risk Management Premium Credit (RMPC) program.

UE Member Benefits

  • Risk management resources created for education
  • Award-winning online training
  • Risk advice
  • Risk Management Premium Credit (RMPC) program

UE's Liability Coverage

Because we understand the unique risk profile of colleges and universities, UE's coverage is designed to address your specific exposures and provide appropriate coverage.

two coworkers talking and smiling

Would You Like To Learn More?

For coverage questions or to request more information about UE, please fill out this form.

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