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Reducing Risk Around Contrapower Harassment on Campus

25:40 minutes
March 2024

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About This Episode

Listen for a description of how contrapower harassment might manifest on campus and learn what steps to take to eliminate it.

Contrapower harassment involves situations where there’s a shifted power dynamic. A person with less power attempts to exert control or influence over someone with more authority or status. Most frequently, we use the term to refer to situations where a student allegedly threatens or harasses a faculty member or administrator.


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About This Episode

Listen for a description of how contrapower harassment might manifest on campus and learn what steps to take to eliminate it.

Contrapower harassment involves situations where there’s a shifted power dynamic. A person with less power attempts to exert control or influence over someone with more authority or status. Most frequently, we use the term to refer to situations where a student allegedly threatens or harasses a faculty member or administrator.


To receive new episodes when they are released, follow UE's Prevention and Protection podcast on your preferred streaming service:

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