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  • Higher Ed

FERPA: Protecting Student Privacy

Part of Canopy Programs®


About This Course

Learn when and when not to release student records to avoid violations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records.
  • Implemented by 132 institutions
  • Completed by 35,019 learners
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FERPA: Protecting Student Privacy

Participants learn about student rights under FERPA and what is considered student records.


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

15 minutes


English, Spanish

This course will help learners understand:

  • How to describe FERPA
  • How to identify who is responsible for FERPA compliance
  • Critical definitions
  • What is (and what isn’t) a violation of FERPA
  • Advice for school officials, faculty, staff, and third parties

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