• The Workplace
  • Course Collection
  • K-12

Workplace Harassment Prevention Course Collection for K-12 Schools

teachers meeting in hallway

About This Collection

Workplace harassment and discrimination diminish the entire school community. Help your employees identify and prevent these problems with the Mosaic: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together course, available in supervisor and non-supervisor versions. Additionally, help supervisors recognize and avoid retaliation with the latest release in this course collection.
  • Implemented by 31 institutions
  • Completed by 9,043 learners
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Mosaic: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together—Employees

Employees learn how to prevent workplace discrimination, retaliation, and harassment. 


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

30 minutes



Mosaic: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together—Employees

This course will help learners:

  • Distinguish between the different types of discrimination that can occur in the workplace.
  • Describe who is and isn’t protected from discrimination under federal law.
  • Recognize common workplace harassment situations, including retaliation.

Mosaic: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together—Supervisors

Supervisors learn how to prevent workplace discrimination, retaliation, and harassment. This course also includes content found in the employee version.



Course Length

45 minutes



This course will help your institution:

  • Distinguish between the different types of discrimination that can occur in the workplace.
  • Describe who is and who isn’t protected from discrimination under federal law.
  • Recognize common workplace harassment situations, including retaliation.

Recognizing and Avoiding Race, Color, and National Origin Discrimination

This course examines how race, color, and national origin discrimination can occur in the workplace. Supervisors learn how to spot discrimination and what to do to create a healthy working environment for all employees, free from harassment and discrimination. Using real-life scenarios, this course walks learners through different types of discrimination and provides helpful guidance on how to create a more equitable work environment.



Course Length

15 minutes



This course will help learners:

  • Recognize different types of race, color, and national origin discrimination.
  • Understand policies that may be harmful to employees.
  • Feel more empowered to improve the work environment for everyone.

Recognizing and Avoiding Age Discrimination – Supervisors

This course examines age discrimination in the workplace from the viewpoint of a supervisor. It covers what it is, how to spot it in your work environment, and shares helpful tips for avoiding adverse employment actions based on age.



Course Length

15 minutes



This course will help learners:

  • Recognize the nuances of ageism and age discrimination in the workplace
  • Define both "disparate treatment" and "disparate impact"
  • Understand how to better manage employees of different generations

Recognizing and Avoiding Retaliatory Behavior – Supervisors

Retaliation is involved in over half of the discrimination charges filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. This course intends to curtail discrimination and retaliation charges against supervisors by teaching you what retaliation is, providing you with practical guidelines for recognizing and avoiding it, and ensuring you as a supervisor are equipped to protect your employees' rights.



Course Length

15 minutes



This course will:

  • Teach supervisors about retaliation.
  • Provide practical guidelines for recognizing and avoiding retaliation.
  • Help supervisors ensure their employees’ rights are protected.

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