• The Workplace
  • Course Collection
  • Higher Ed

Mosaic Course Collection for Higher Ed

About This Collection

The Mosaic course collection trains employees on how to prevent workplace discrimination, retaliation, and harassment and how to recognize and respond to sexual misconduct involving students, including sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence. The courses use scenarios that help people understand their role in maintaining a safe and unbiased work environment.
  • Implemented by 297 institutions
  • Completed by 303,076 learners
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Mosaic: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together — Employees

Identify, prevent, and respond to workplace harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in higher education.


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

30 minutes


English, Spanish

This course will help learners:

  • Distinguish different types of discrimination that can occur in the workplace
  • Describe who is and who isn't protected from discrimination under federal law
  • Recognize common workplace harassment situations, including retaliation
  • Identify when it's appropriate to report instances of workplace harassment

Mosaic: Prevent Discrimination and Harassment Together — Supervisors

Learn how to effectively supervise to prevent unfair and retaliatory treatment of subordinates. This course also includes content found in the employee version.



Course Length

45 minutes


English, Spanish

This course will help learners:

  • Distinguish different types of discrimination that can occur in the workplace
  • Describe who is and who isn't protected from discrimination under federal law
  • Recognize common workplace harassment situations, including retaliation
  • Identify when it's appropriate to report instances of workplace harassment
  • Identify supervisory events which can lead to allegations of unfair treatment
  • Recognize whether a supervisor’s behavior may be perceived as discriminatory although it wasn’t the intent

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