• Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
  • Course Collection
  • Higher Ed
  • K-12

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Course Collection

diverse group of coworkers collaborating

About This Collection

The need for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on our campuses has never been as self-evident. “Social justice” is no longer just a rallying cry; instead, it’s one of the crucial measures by which an institution is judged. This course collection doesn’t attempt to assign blame, but rather seeks to encourage dialogue and understanding between different races, religions, ages, gender identities, and people with disabilities at your institution.

Note: Several states have instituted laws that ban or restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at public institutions. Additionally, a January 2025 executive order Ending Illegal Discrimination And Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity instructs several federal agencies, including the Department of Education, to create guidance related to the restriction of DEI programs. Also, the Department of Education issued a “Dear Colleague” Letter in February 2025 that outlines additional limitations on diversity initiatives until Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Please consult legal counsel to determine the extent to which courses, offices, language, or initiatives (if any) are allowable at your institution.

  • Globee® Award winner
  • Implemented by 90 institutions
  • Completed by 14,297 learners
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Committing to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff learn how to recognize and reflect on their own cultural biases while contributing toward an inclusive environment where all perspectives are considered.


Faculty & Staff

Course Length

25 minutes


English, Spanish

This course will help learners understand how to:

  • Differentiate the terms diversity, inclusion, and equity
  • Recognize and reflect on your own cultural biases
  • Examine intersectionality to see how your own cultural identity influences your own perspective, biases, fears, and comfort levels
  • Seek commonality and understanding with people who are not in your in- or out-group
  • Identify possible roadblocks to our being equally united across racial, cultural, and gender lines

Committing to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Supervisors

Supervisors learn how to recognize and reflect on their own cultural biases while cultivating an inclusive environment where all perspectives are considered.



Course Length

30 minutes


English, Spanish

This course will help learners understand how to:

  • Differentiate the terms diversity, inclusion, and equity
  • Recognize and reflect on your own cultural biases
  • Examine intersectionality to see how your own cultural identity influences your own perspective, biases, fears, and comfort levels
  • Seek commonality and understanding with people who are not in your in- or out-group
  • Identify possible roadblocks to our being equally united across racial, cultural, and gender lines
  • Present steps to help create an inclusive environment where all perspectives are considered for the cooperative effort of your institution
  • Explain how the lack of diversity and inclusive learning can impact student engagement and learning

Committing to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Students

Silver Stevie® Award winner

Students learn how to recognize and reflect on their own cultural biases while contributing toward an inclusive environment where all perspectives are considered.



Course Length

25 minutes


English, Spanish

This course will help learners how to:

  • Differentiate the terms diversity, inclusion, and equity
  • Recognize and reflect on your own cultural biases and examine intersectionality to see how your own cultural identity influences your own perspective, biases, fears, and comfort levels
  • Seek commonality and understanding with people who are not in your in- or out-group
  • Identify possible roadblocks to our being equally united across racial, cultural, and gender lines

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