• Health and Well-Being
  • Course Collection
  • K-12

Alcohol and Drug Awareness Course Collection for K-12 Schools

Part of Canopy Programs®

teenagers sharing pills

About This Collection

Help reduce adolescent risk-taking behaviors by correcting unhealthy attitudes and false perceptions. This course collection offers strategies on how teens can protect themselves from the misuse of drugs and alcohol.
  • Implemented by 23 schools
  • Completed by 7,519 learners
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Alcohol and You

This course demonstrates the adverse consequences alcohol can have on an individual’s health, academic performance, and social relationships. It offers strategies teens can use to avoid risky behaviors.



Course Length

60 minutes



This course will help learners:

  • Challenge beliefs about alcohol use by peers
  • Recognize why delaying alcohol use is a smart choice
  • Develop strategies for reducing stress
  • Offer support to friends that abuse alcohol

Opioids: What You Need to Know

The risk of dying from opioid misuse has increased dramatically in recent years. This course was designed to keep your institution safe by informing students of the misconceptions and dangers associated with the illicit use of opioids.



Course Length

20 minutes



Opioids: What You Need to Know

This course will help learners understand:

  • The scope of the opioid problem and how it might affect you
  • Risks of accidental overdose (OD) and addiction
  • Common opioid misconceptions
  • How to help yourself or others

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