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Program and Institutional Changes and Closures

Available Resources

This collection of resources for higher education addresses academic program changes driven by economic pressures. Potential changes range from reducing or discontinuing a single program to closing an institution. The guide is designed primarily for officials making the ultimate decisions (such as boards and presidents), while the four checklists (one of which focuses on general planning considerations, while the other three each focus on a specific type of program change) are intended mostly for people who must implement the changes. Institutions confronting program changes should use these resources to help them plan and administer the changes properly, mitigating potential liability risk and protecting the valid interests of students and employees.

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Guide to Manage Risks Associated With Program Change

This guide discusses the major issues leadership must consider in contemplating any of the three types of program change, including common legal, accreditation, and reputational risks to the institution, and provides practical advice for addressing them.


Each of the following checklists provides more detailed guidance on a particular facet of academic program change.
pdf type

Checklist: Institutional Closure

Higher Ed


During this Q&A webinar, partners at Husch Blackwell address how higher education institutions can plan for and implement academic program changes driven by economic pressures – ranging from reducing or eliminating specific majors or programs to institutional closures.

Higher Ed Program Changes in a Time of Crisis: Questions and Answers

Higher Ed



Planning for Institutional Mergers or Closures: A Case Study

Higher Ed

Academic Closures with Husch Blackwell

Higher Ed

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