• Premises Safety
  • Collection
  • Higher Ed
  • K-12

Campus Demonstrations and Conflicts Resource Collection

protestors with microphone


This collection includes United Educators’ (UE’s) resources addressing demonstrations, controversial speakers, and similar events on or near campus that can cause or increase conflict at your higher education institution or K-12 school. Because these events sometimes escalate and result in violence, also consider consulting these collections:

Risk Advice

If you need a sounding board for a policy or procedure you’re revising or want to hear how other schools navigate a particular risk management issue, our team can help. Email your question to risk@ue.org.

Tabletop Exercises

Click the link below to access Crisis Response: A Library of Tabletop Exercises, including our facilitator’s guide and additional supporting materials for conducting a tabletop exercise. Use the scenario to assess your response efforts to a campus demonstration.
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Campus Demonstrations Tabletop Exercise

Tabletop Exercise
Higher Ed

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