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Youth Protection on Your Campus

Empower faculty and staff to recognize, prevent, and report sexual misconduct.

Volunteer with students

Created for Higher Education

Equip your faculty and staff with the appropriate tools to help keep children safe from harm. Our resources were created specifically to teach higher education employees how to recognize, prevent, and report sexual assault.

Protecting Children Course Collection

course-screenshot.JPGOne of our most popular trainings, this collection includes courses for educators and a short video for employees or volunteers that don’t work directly with children. 

  • Boundary Training for Educators
  • Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct
  • Hiring Staff Who Work With Minors
  • Shine a Light Video (Training for employees who don’t work directly with children)


Checklist Series

checklist-cover.pngWhen you purchase our Protecting Children Course Collection, your institution also gains access to our protecting minors checklist series. These eight checklists provide tips and best practices from our team of risk management experts.

  • Behavioral and Supervisory Standards for Interacting With Minors
  • Managing Campus Contractors and Student Educators
  • Reporting and Addressing Suspected Misconduct
  • Screening Employees and Volunteers
  • Sexual Misconduct Policies and Investigations
  • Surveying the Legal and Physical Landscape
  • Training to Prevent Misconduct
  • What Supervisors Should Know

"Protecting Children" Learner Outcomes

  • 156% – The reported increase in learners’ ability to determine when and where to report abuse
  • 169% – The reported increase in learners' ability to recognize red flags on resumes and applications
  • 230% – The reported increase in learners' ability to properly screen volunteers working with children

Contact Us

Fill out this form to request more information about accessing our Youth Protection resources for your institution.

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